Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Marci graduated from a four year post high school job training program. There were 40 special education students in her graduating class. Of course, Marci was the smallest, and the cutest!

Here is Marci with Lorrie, the teacher she currently claims to be her favorite.

Think the cap is too big? You're right!! Her eyes are watching for it to slide off any minute.

We were glad Grandma and Grandpa Lee could come. Grandma has not been feeling well.

Don't know who this is with Marci. But she seems to like him!! Too bad her fancy toes didn't show in the picture!

I think these lillies were half as tall as Marci. We had to cut the long stems to fit into a vase. They were given to Marci by a friend.

1 comment:

The Johnsons said...

Congratulations Marcie! And I am really jealous of her pedicure although I think I would laugh to hard to let anyone touch my feet! We are doing good back here. We are coming home in July for a couple of weeks so we will have to call and come and see you. Kael told me yesterday that he wanted to go play at Aunt Marsha's house, so he is still thinking of you! I hope you trip to Denmark was great. Tell Marci congratulations and give her a big hug for us!