Sunday, March 22, 2009

Draper Temple Dedication

Today we attended the Draper Temple Dedication.  We went with the Heywoods; and because of their handicap license plate, we parked right next to temple.   We were able to sit in an ordinance room, enjoy the dedication, and see many friends and neighbors who also attended.  After President Monson offered the dedicatory prayer, our Stake President, gave the benediction.  We are so blessed to have this beautiful temple close by.   

Friday, March 20, 2009

First Pay Check!!

Here is Marci's first pay check.  She is excited to finally have a job!
Welcome to the working world, Marci.  Don't spend it all at once.

This is where Marci works shredding papers every Tuesday for two hours.
 Her smile brightens the day for everyone.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

My mom and dad

This photo was taken on Valentine's Day.  They have been
married for almost 65 years.  Mom needs dad to help her
get around, and Dad needs mom to be his eyes.  Together, they  
 love, care, and support each other.   Mom and Dad, we love you! 
Like mother, like daughter!

Introducing my newest grandchild (#15)

Ava was born January 20, 2009, only minutes after Jill got to the hospital!

Ava's happy family didn't expect her arrival quite so soon, 
but Ava couldn't wait any longer to meet Mom, Dad, sister and brother.

Ian and Ava

Kate and Ava

I didn't make it for her birth, 
but I was there for her first public viewing a few minutes later!!
Welcome to the family, Ava Ashworth.