Saturday, January 10, 2009

Cousin party

We all went to Bounce U for a cousin party the night before
Megan and Ethan went home to California.

Marci wasn't too happy to be there.
She wanted to listen to her new
Nano ipod music.
But . . . Nextson checked out the inflatables.

And Andrea was having fun.

Even Elizabeth was willing to give it a try.

Jared didn't waste any time finding the biggest slide.

And Chris kept encouraging her.

"Come on, Marci, it's fun"

OK, I'll give it a try. This tunnel doesn't look too bad.




Wow, she made it up the two story slide, through the spider webbing,
with Elisa pushing her from underneath,
and Jared pulling her from above.
Looks like it's OK now!

Grandma boosted Kate and Nextson up on the big pedestal.

Ethan was perched there too, until someone bounced him off.

Megan and Ethan on a smaller slide.

Marci was climbing over the top without help by the end of the evening.

Kevin, Celest, and Kate practicing their shooting skills.

Kayden's blessing

Kayden Trey Schilling was blessed on December 27, 2008 by his Grandpa Johnson.

Christmas 2008

Grandma instructing the grandkids before the mad rush of the day!!
Where's Ian and Elizabeth? They need to hear this.

Ethan and Megan enjoying the snow.
They live in southern California, so making a snowman was top priority.

Some of the kids doing Christmas crafts before dinner.

Oh no, Grandma insists on taking a picture.
Let's be crazy!!

Come on, Marci. We're waiting for you!
(Notice everyone is looking at her.)

Ta da!! All thirty people (minus Grandpa taking the picture)
are basically looking and smiling. Amazing!!
Falishia, Elena, Ethan, Kate, Ian, Andrea, Nextson,
Celest, Kevin, Megan, Tina, Aidan, Elisa, Elizabeth, Larsen, Jared,
Eric, Grandma, Kenzie, Trey, Kayden, Ashley, Chris, Marci,
Kurt, Jill, April, Tim, Jen.

Great Grandma and Grandpa Lee came for awhile--until it got too much to handle!

Marci likes her big brother, Jared.

Check out those new PINK boots . . .

That Santa Claus brought her!!