Monday, March 24, 2008

Grandma's Easter Egg Hunt

Time for the annual Easter Egg Hunt. This year we were happy to have Joseph and Stephanie and their three boys join us.
Ian and Larsen were excited to get started!

Ethan and Celest liked the art project. Kael wasn't sure???

Marci wanted to hold the new baby, Aidan Stewart Johnson, grandchild #13!

All the kids wanted a turn pushing the super duper pumper egg dying machine!

It was a big hit with Megan, Celest, Kate, and Ethan too.

The older girls really got into the art work.

Nextson, Kate, and Kael enjoying a place to swing while they ate.

Celest, Megan, and Falishia had their own tables.

Falishia was the last one to find her six eggs. Dad had to help!

Five kids picking on Uncle Tim???? Chris is cheering them on and Celest is directing traffic!!

Eric's taking pictures of the adults looking for their eggs. You better not wait too long to look for your egg, Eric. You might have to climb that tree!

Megan quickly finds her eggs, while Falishia keeps looking.

Kate didn't have trouble finding eggs.

Looks like Nextson has a basketfull.

Joseph points out an egg in the window. Jill and Ian must have missed it!

We had a great evening and were so glad to have Eric, Tina, Megan, Ethan, and Aidan here for the first time to celebrate Grandma's annual Easter egg hunt. Come again next year, everyone!!

Disney on Ice

Marci loves Disney on Ice. This year we invited Jill and Kate to go with us. Here is a picture of Marci and Kate on TRAX enroute to the performance. They are so exicted!

We always get front row seats. Here is one of the seven dwarfs posing right in front of us.

Sleeping Beauty saw Kate and waved at her during the finale, but she didn't stop so we could get a good picture. So we clicked this picture of Sleeping Beauty with Kate at one of the booths.

Marci wanted a picture with Cinderella, but we couldn't find a booth with Cinderella's picture. Marci decided Jasmine was the next best princess.

Ariel stopped right in front of us. This is a great shot of her.