Happy 30th Birthday to Baby IDEA!
Marci was one of the first infants to participate in early intervention services in Utah through PL 99-457. She was born with Down syndrome on June 29, 1986, being the youngest of seven siblings. Marci was referred to early intervention by the elementary school principal and started home services with a nurse when she was three months old. She received both home visits and center based instruction from Jordan School District in Sandy, Utah for three years. The things she learned those early years jumpstarted her story of strength and confidence in succeeding in anything she wanted to do.
As Marci transitioned into Part B special education services she grew and developed in a school setting where she was integrated with typically developing peers most of the school day. She had friends at school, in the neighborhood, and at church. She participated and enjoyed all the activities and fun things her peers were doing throughout elementary, middle school, and high school. After high school, she transitioned into vocational rehab program where she learned skills that would prepare her for employment.
Her first pay check.
Marci works at DDI VANTAGE Early Intervention Program!
Then disaster struck . . . . . . . Ewing Sarcoma
Marci was diagnosed with Ewing Sarcoma, bone cancer of the femur in 2012. She spent nine months in and out of the hospital where she received chemo and eventually surgery to remove her femur.
Her diseased bone was replaced with prosthetic femur.
Then in 2016, Ewing Sarcoma reoccurred in the same leg,
but this time as a tumor the size of a tennis ball.
She received another nine months of chemo and radiation.
This time, her treatments were out patient services.
Despite the setbacks, Marci has been strong, brave, and ever smiling.
And determined to walk again!
She has had private anti-gravity fitness lessons,
Aquatic therapy and physical therapy,
and even indoor skydiving!